Mission, Vision, Core Values & Learning Outcomes

WCMS Vision
The first choice of credit unions in the western states for developing their future leaders

WCMS Mission
Transforming students into passionate strategic leaders through rigorous collegiate level head and heart education

WCMS Core Values
1) Powered by collegiate rigor
2) Integrating Head and Heart
3) Delivering future-focused learning
4) Igniting passion and unleashing potential
5) Rooted in the credit union movement

WCMS Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of Western CUNA Management School, students will be able to:
1) Apply strategic management principles to the administration of financial institutions
2) Understand and respond appropriately and strategically to the economic environment
3) Utilize principles and techniques of financial management to assess the current and projected future condition of credit unions
4) Articulate the value of credit unions to members, and explain the historic, ethical and legal foundation of credit union differentiation in the financial services industry
5) Comprehend and comply with current legal thinking in business and employment law
6) Identify appropriate and effective political advocacy avenues to support credit union members
7) Demonstrate leadership skills and knowledge in the management of human resources
8) Implement modern project management and change management techniques to oversee a business endeavor
9) Display critical thinking skills to solve problems and develop strategic business solutions through the integrated use of qualitative and quantitative tools from across multiple disciplines
10) Create and evaluate a multi-year strategic plan for a financial institution
11) Effectively present and communicate both orally and in writing
12) Access a network of peer and senior credit union professionals able and willing to assist in their professional development